Friday, August 1, 2008

What's a Wiki?

I felt a little frustrated at starting my wiki - I didn't know where to start or what to talk about. I'm not that creative when it comes to design and layout. But after playing around with the settings it all became rather easy afterwards. The hard part is maintaining it, adding to it. If you're not a teacher, or not tasked with updating the site, things tend to bog down somewhat.

Still drawing on the writer's analogy, a wiki can be a powerful tool especially when collaborating on a topic - an autobiography/biography, novel, historical, scientific analysis or treatise, a collection of short stories from different authors. Each is free to write, edit and upload their stories and perhaps a "centralized" author could take care of the editing and proofing. Once the materials are gathered it's off to the publisher for millions of readers to enjoy the book.

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